On September 21, 2016 Amy Millard will speak at a program sponsored by the New York City Bar entitled “Ethical Considerations for Corporate Investigations: Views from All Sides.” This annual update program will explore current issues and recent developments relating to ethical duties and responsibilities of attorneys and other participants in corporate internal investigations involving public companies and other entities. The issues will be discussed from the point of view of counsel for the entity, investigating counsel, counsel for individual executives and government representatives. The presentation will touch on a broad array of ethical issues, devoting special attention to current developments concerning prosecution and regulatory strategies, conflicts of interest, protection and waiver of the attorney-client privilege, counseling of employee witnesses, the federalization of ethical obligations imposed on attorneys under the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation of 2002, and the impact of the Dodd-Frank legislation of 2010. The faculty will also discuss special issues raised by global investigations, involving multinational entities.