Blassberger and Kirshner Move Case Against Weinstein, CAA, Disney, and Miramax to Discovery Phase

Partners Effie Blassberger and Isabelle Kirshner secured a victory on behalf of client Julia Ormond in the Supreme Court of the State of New York.  The Judge denied Disney, Miramax, and CAA’s motion to dismiss and the case will proceed to discovery.  We look forward to litigating this case, along with co-counsel Doug Wigdor, Meredith Firetog, Kevin Mintzer, and Laura Koistinen, and holding defendants accountable.

In a statement to Rolling Stone, Blassberger and Kirshner noted that “the court rightfully recognized Ms. Ormond’s legal claims against Disney, Miramax, and CAA, and their role in enabling Harvey Weinstein’s assault and failing to protect her from him. Ms. Ormond is grateful that she will have the opportunity to litigate this case and hold these defendants accountable.”

Read more about the case and the most recent ruling at Rolling Stone.